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How to Make Victoria Rose

Victoria Rose

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In Australia, there is a city, named Victoria. The essence was created first there. So, they named it after the city Victoria, Victoria Rose. The fragrance is nice.
Victoria Rose

Now, we are going to prepare the essence of Victoria Rose. Here, we are.

1. Rectified Spirit: 2.7 kgs
2. Pottery Lemon Flower: 900 gms
3. Essence of Jasmine: 110 gms
4. Oil of Lavender: 5.832 gms
5. Oil of Niroli: 29.16 gms
6. Tincture Orris-nut: 900 gms
7. Otto de Rose: 14.58 gms
8. Oil Bergment: 225 gms
9. Otto Piement: .25 gms
10. Essence of Musk: 116.64 gms
11. Magnesia: As Necessary

1. A Clay Pot
2. 3 Glass Pots
3. A Wooden Stick
4. Filter Paper
5. An airtight glass jar.

1. First take the clay pot and put all Pottery Lemon Flower.
2. Sort out the flowers and clean it.
3. 290 gms water should be added and cover the pot for 2 days.
4. After 2 days, s
ieve the water and take the materials 900 gms according to weight to a glass pot.
5. Take another pot and mix magnesium with Otto de Rose, Oil of Niroli, Oil of Bergment, Otto Piement and Oil of Lavender. Maintain the sequence.
6. Mixing the mixer very well for one hour.
7. When it becomes a smooth mixer, mix Essence of Musk, Essence of Jasmine, Tincture Orris-nut with it and mix it well.
8. After few time, mix the water of pottery lemon flower and mix the mixer with stick.
9. After mixing, use filter paper to filter and use another pot.
10. Take the jar mix the mixer with spirit.
11. Close the head and keep it for 2 days.
12. You will get the Victoria Rose.

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