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How to Make Handy Mixer

Handy Mixer

Handy Mixer
SI Info.

We mix many things at home. Like Milkshake, Tea, Coffee, Salted Water, Sugar Water. To buy a mixer can be expensive. But, if you made it at home,. what will happen? You will get fun by using own Handy Mixer. Are you ready to do fun? Let's go.

Raw Materials:
1. A 3 Volt Motor
2. A empty Ball Pen's
3. Steel String
4. Lighter
5. Wire

1. At first take the Steel String. It should be a little thick.
2. Its whole should be straight and head should be round like picture.
3. Set it with the empty Body of Ball Pen with using Lighter. Instead of Lighter you can use Glue or both.
4. Set it with the Motor.
5. Connect wire with it.
6. Your Handy Mixer is ready to be used.
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