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How to Make Toffee


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Kiddos' favorite. It is called 'English Sweet Candy'. The making process is very easy. Though it has a low profit, It is a running item. Expense is also low. As a beginner level entrepreneur, anyone can try this business. Here we go with its procedure.

Raw Materials:
1. Sugar: 12 kgs
2. Glucose: 3 kgs
3. Water: 5 ltrs
4. Butter: 1 kg
5. Essence: As needed

1. Put Sugar and Water in a pot.
2. Heat it and waving a spoon to mix it. You can use a beater here.
3. When mixture get heated, mix Glucose it it.
4. Mix Glucose well.
5. Cover it for 5 minutes.
6. When it about 180 degree centigrade, mix the Butter wave the mixture for few moments.
7. Put it down from stove and mix Essence.
8. Take it on a plate.
9. Cut it with toffee cutter when it is hot.
10. When it will be a bit cool, pack it with Toffee Cover.
11. Ready for Sale.
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